Albert F. Moore, Sr., formally known as Da Shifu Moore, was the founder (Sijo) and Grandmaster of Shou Shu Kung Fu in the United States. Born. February 28, 1926, Al Moore, Sr., studied the martial arts beginning at age thirteen with the Chin family in the San Francisco bay area.
After many years of study, he eventually received a degree in engineering and served in the United States Navy (Pacific campaign) during World War II. In addition to the fighting aspects of kung fu, he also was taught Tui Na. Upon returning to the US, he eventually studied other martial arts including Parker Kempo, and Jujitsu although he was familiar with other martial arts. After some time in teaching martial arts, in particular Kenpo, he started the Moore's Shou Shu Martial Arts schools which solely taught principles of Shou Shu Kung Fu.
For over forty years, Sijo Da Shifu Al Moore, Sr., his brothers (Ralph and Vern Moore), and his son Da Shifu Al Moore, II, taught Shou Shu kung fu. Al Moore, Sr., died in California on January 2, 2002.
Prior to his death, Da Shifu Moore, Sr., returned to China in 1992 with his son to visit the school (Quan) where he studied Shou Shu.
Today, two groups in the United States continue to teach Shou Shu kung fu. Moore's Shou Shu kung fu headed by Al Moore, II, teaches Shou Shu principles and also teaches other kung fu systems (including Hung Gar Tiger and Crane, and Seven Star Mantis). By contrast, the International Shou Shu Association (ISSA) with its head instructor Da Shifu James Clark, continues to teach Shou Shu and all seven animal systems as Sijo Da Shifu instructed without the addition of other kung fu styles.